Real-Time Simulator for Secure Critical Infrastructure – Fundamentals and Training 20&21 March 2023

We would like to invite you to “Real-Time Simulator for Secure Critical Infrastructure – Fundamentals and Training” organized by University of Vaasa, Riga Technical University, OFFIS, and National Technical University of Athens.

Venue: University of Vaasa, Finland
Dates: March 20 & 21, 2023; The seminar is free of charge and live only.

Please find the description and program training here Program

What will you gain from attending this training?
Participants will learn about Real-Time Simulation (RTS) systems, their importance, capabilities, and use to simulate critical infrastructure (especially smart grids) and associated scenarios. For this, fundamentals of Real-Time Simulation are introduced on the first day of training, then on the second day hands-on skills and applications will be presented. Selected scenarios from the industry will be given to participants. Finally, a workshop and an open discussion session where participants can share their ideas will be held.
After completing this training, participants will be able to describe Real-Time Simulation systems and bring their use and applications to their organizations. Additionally, participants will be able to join advanced courses on this topic.

The seminar is arranged as a side event of Energy Week.


Contact person/More information:

Prof. Tero Vartiainen (email:
Bahaa Eltahawy (email:


Admin - Cybersecurity Curricula Recommendations for Smart Grids (CCRSG)